Seduced by Images: The Yearning Edition

Finding the Hidden Gifts in Tarot Cards we Desire and Disown
— with Kasia & Mellissae Lucia


You can look at a picture for a week and never think of it again. You can also look at a picture for a second and think of it all your life.

— Joan Miró

Join this fascinating new online playshop with Kasia and Mellissae, exploring the subjects of seduction, attraction, and repulsion through the lens of Tarot and Oracle card artwork.

Impactful images are bridges to the parts of yourself that you love and fully express, as well as the parts you suppress and reject. Using various divination cards, we will investigate our psyche’s hidden yearnings to open access to new parts of yourself you are longing to meet.

Through choosing different cards—and letting the cards choose you—from a variety of decks, we will excavate the essential impulses hidden in images that grab you and won’t let go. The animation we feel when these images call to us are signs that something important wants to be recognized, claimed, and integrated into our sense of self-worth and authority.

During the three-hour Zoom gathering, we will work together and in small groups, sharing how our yearnings reveal what we really want and how to access and use the hidden gifts in the cards we are initially romanced or repelled by.

The Course will Cover:

  • How embracing your triggering cards (both pleasing and repelling) can awaken more authentic power on all levels of your existence.
  • Why choosing to delve into your radiant shadow can create more intimate and exciting relationships with your beloved decks.
  • When to recognize the call of images offering game-changing shifts in perspectives by bypassing the logical mind and accessing your mythopoetic, symbolic sight.


We need to reschedule!
10:00 am PST / 7:00 pm CET
Approx. 3 hours


On Zoom. Open to the whole world. Recordings available.


Two tiers:

  • Three hour workshop = $88 / BUY NOW
  • Three hour workshop + Two one-hour readings* = $333 / BUY NOW

* Two readings, one-hour with Mellissae & one-hour with Kasia, on the radiance hidden in your shadows and how to access more pleasure, presence, play, and power here and now.


About Kasia & Mellissae


Mellissae Lucia is an Artist and indie deck creator who navigates her life through the power of sacred play. Her award-winning Oracle of Initiation deck was birthed during a seven-year quest after the death of her husband when she created over 70,000 ritualistic photographs for this fierce and fluid otherworldly Oracle to navigate these dynamic times.

She currently offers her yearly Deep Play online adventure and is developing the Nördic Witches Kinship Kit, featuring the shapeshifting Völvas. She is also incubating the screenplay of her Grimm’s fairytale upbringing in her old-world German Grandparent’s home filled with liminal passageways that initiated her into her Nörthern animistic ways. She offers Embodied Radiance immersions into the wild beauty of the New Mexico desert and does readings with her Oracle deck. She also sells her decks and books on Etsy.

Special on Oracles for This Work
Mellissae’s award-winning Oracle of Initiation deck and her Pulp Fiction Oracle (previously only available in the Deep Play online course) are both fabulous options to tap into those hidden wells of our unconscious impulses that contain our cloaked radiance. Save 20% off each Oracle with free shipping included in the USA. Please email Mellissae for more information about purchasing either of the decks:

Etsy Shop


Kasia from Tarot Map is a seasoned professional in astrology and tarot, driven by the belief that our future is shaped by past choices and present actions. She emphasizes self-awareness as the key to co-creating a powerful life, advocating transformation through mindfulness, compassion, and presence. Her readings, characterized by encouragement and practicality, focus on personal evolution and empowerment.

With a mission to provide empowering, honest readings and break the stigma surrounding tarot and astrology, Kasia has been on a learning journey since 2005. She studied under esteemed mentors like Alan Oken and Maggie Kerr in astrology, while also honing her tarot skills under the guidance of mentors like Jan Witold Suliga and Enrique Enriquez. Since 2014, she has professionally inspired and guided people worldwide, deeply passionate about her work.



About Seduced by Images series


This is the first of a new series Kasia is hosting on unique and exciting ways to work with Tarot, Oracles, and the never-ending mysteries of divination.

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