New decks, new offering!

I want to use the Lightseer’s tarot and try it out on you! πŸ™‚ .
I have 10 discounted -What do I need to know right now? readings for anyone that would like to experience my reading style and get inspiration from a mixture of tarot and oracle decks and astrology πŸ™‚ .
For my regular clients- if you want to get this reading at the discounted price but save it for a later date- just write me a message- when you want it delivered. It can be also purchased for a gift for someone else xxx . USE COUPON – seethelight when you order What do I need to know right now? on

First in, first served! Grab one while they last πŸ™‚

Oracle of Initiation by Mellissae Lucia #tarotmap #oracleof initiation

I have discovered this gem of the deck! Oracle of Initiation by Mellissae Lucia. It came out in 2012 and I still can not believe that I haven’t seen it until 2019! Where has it been hiding?? πŸ™‚

Well, it is not hiding anymore. Please take a look at these two videos. One is the review of the deck and the other is the interview I have done with Mellissae on the Inspired Tarot Map series.

Enjoy and let me know your thoughts!

Creative Tarot Class

I have done it! I finally recorded over 70 minutes of tarot and oracle magic! In the class that is only 25$! you will learn how to pick various decks and connect them together, how to read cards and weave them into a story and how to be creative while playing with your decks.

This class suits beginners as well as experienced readers. If you have more than two decks- it is for you! πŸ™‚

Take a look at it and at the reviews from people who have taken it.

Get Tarot Class HERE

Enjoy! I’d love to hear your feedback!

Story Medicine Tarot

I have just uploaded the flip through the Story Medicine Tarot deck by Jessica Zinchuk.

Take a look and let me know what are your thoughts on this project. You can check Jessica’s work on


And I also invite you to listen to my interview with Jessica. We are talking tarot, story telling and sharing your gifts. She was the first guest in my series #inspiretarotmap where I want to interview people who inspire me.

Let me know, if you enjoyed it! This was my first time doing it and using the technology, and I will improve on this one! I promise πŸ™‚


I just wanted to share with you some news! I have started a new series on my YouTube channel Tarot MapΒ  called Inspired Tarot Map. I interview and share with you people who I find inspiring and who create, use cards and lead life worth mentioning πŸ™‚ I really hope you find the whole series helpful and appreciate the creative call in your own psyche!

I have recorded 5 episodes until now and there is more coming! I am just starting πŸ™‚ If you have anyone interesting in mind and think I should invite them, please share in the comments.

Much love



Welcome to Tarot Map!

Hi everybody! Welcome to Tarot Map.

So! Finally it happened and this is it πŸ™‚ It is a simple and hopefully easy to navigate website. I wanted to create a place where tarot and astrology play hand in hand. I will be adding some exciting free educational bits and bobs for you as time goes on but just really wanted to publish my page finally and start using it.

I love connecting both astrology and tarot in my readings because they create such a wholesome map of the psyche. It provides me with immensely deep insights about your cycles, limitations, passions and talents. And thus I can help you. Inspire you. Listen to you. Have a creative conversation with you. Help you decide or navigate the next step.

I also hope to encourage you to grab a deck of cards and start getting to know it. Tarot cards reflect our reality and beyond. They mirror who we are, what we think and how we act. Tarot is a tool and depending on how you use it, it can provide you with deep insights, creative ideas, spiritual awakenings or fearful limitations. It’s all up to you or the reader you choose. So choose wisely!

I use tarot as “a talisman against fear” and as a map of possibilities and connections.

β€œYou are the Secret. Let Tarot explore you.”― Shweta Tarot

Let’s connect:

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